Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why Aarons' Kids

My husband and I are runners & kind of fitness freaks.  We are preparing to run in the  San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon in November.  This will be our first marathon.  We have run a half, 10Ks, 5Ks and even a duathalon.  My husband is also training for his first Triathalon as well.

When we were running two nights ago, he said he felt that he needed a greater cause for running - above and beyond the satisfaction of completing a marathon.  We immediately started thinking of our nephew Aaron, a marine stationed in Afghanistan and his heart for the children he has encountered there.  We also share a common cause with him as well - we both have children we sponsor in Africa.

We have been sending a few packages to him since he left the United States, some personal and some filled with toys, granola bars and such to give to the children.  We knew that we could help Aaron impact children on the other side of the world with our running and thus, Aarons' Kids.

This blog will be the official website for donations and chronicling the packages, and hopefully some of the stories that will come back as he receives box after box of toys for him and his buddies to deliver to the children.

We ask that you donate no less then $26 - the equivalent of the miles we will run in the marathon.  You can donate more, of course.  This is not tax deductible, we don't want to have to go to lawyers and set up a non-profit, but we will be more then happy to send you a receipt upon request.

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